
3-in-1 Immune Support

TriGuard® concentrate provides a dose of high-quality, clean botanicals to help naturally support your immune system.* Carefully crafted with our signature OLE-100® Complex – a blend of Olive Leaf Extract, European Elderberry and Structured Silver Water – works to support your body's natural immune response.* This alcohol-free formula can be taken orally when you need a boost to help fight off that seasonal cold or flu.*



Natural Energy & Focus

Get your daily lift the healthy way with Awakening® Natural Energy & Focus. This thoughtfully-crafted, clean formula is packed with premium botanicals—guarana extract, red panax ginseng, easily-absorbed minerals, and active plant-based enzymes. The sugar-free, slow-release formula in our vegetarian, gluten-free capsules helps you feel energized and productive, giving you the energy you need
without the crash.*


Our Most Popular Products Now in Stock

TriGuard - Natural Immune Support Concentrate Dropper

TriGuard concentrate provides a dose of high-quality, clean botanicals to help naturally support your immune system.* Carefully crafted with our signature OLE-100® Complex – a blend of Olive Leaf Extract, European Elderberry and Structured Silver Water – works to support your body's natural immune response.* This alcohol-free formula can be taken orally when you need a boost to help fight off that seasonal cold or flu.*


throat spray | spray on skin | spray on fruits and vegetables | spray on toys, hands, countertops | cleansing / disinfectant solution for floors & surface

Oxygen Nutrition Blog

Unlocking the Power of European Elderberry: A Natural Health Supplement

Unlocking the Power of European Elderberry: A Natural Health Supplement

In the realm of natural health supplements, European elderberry stands out as a potent and versatile option. Renowned for its immune-boosting properties and rich nutritional content, this small, dark berry has been cherished for centuries for its various health benefits. From ancient herbalists to modern researchers, the elderberry has earned its place as a staple in the pursuit of wellness.
Boost Your Immunity this Cold and Flu Season with Nature's Finest Supplements

Boost Your Immunity this Cold and Flu Season with Nature's Finest Supplements

As the temperatures drop and the sniffles start to spread, it's time to fortify your immune system against the onslaught of cold and flu viruses. While proper hygiene practices and a healthy lifestyle are paramount, sometimes our bodies need an extra boost to ward off seasonal illnesses.

How to Brave Back to School Season the Natural Way

How to Brave Back to School Season the Natural Way

It’s hard to believe that school is just around the corner. And if you’re like us, our end of Summer to-do list seems never-ending! Between the shuffling of kids back and forth from activities to balancing all those work/home tasks—not to mention fitting in time just for you—it seems like there aren’t enough hours in the day, and certainly not enough energy to get it all done.

Customer Reviews


After decades of feeling tired all the time and yawning my way through the workday, I discovered Awakening Formula through a distant relative. Since starting to use Awakening Formula I have felt more energy and been more alert without feeling jittery or feeling a crash in the middle or end of the day. It has been a real game-changer for me.

Mike Davis


I have been using Tri-Guard Plus for years and firmly believe that this product helps me avoid colds and other viruses. I rarely get sick, and when I do, Tri-Guard helps me recover quickly. I absolutely love this product and purchase it regularly for family and friends who otherwise would not purchase due to cost. Once they try the product and experience the benefits for themselves, they begin purchasing Tri-Guard on their own.

Rich Davis


This product totally eliminated migraines which I suffered from for countless years. These migraines were 24/7, to which I had tried nearly everything to get rid of (i.e., chiropractic care, massage, rest, vacation, OTC & RX meds, etc.). After only three weeks steady on the product, I have been migraine-free for countless years! I thank God for this product!

Tami P.


I've been using tri-guard for over 10 years and it's the first thing I grab when I feel any sort of illness coming on. Great to have on hand and easy to take. I like to mix it with orange juice. Highly recommend for this flu season.

Lisa Harmon


I started using a couple years ago at the recommendation of my holistic doctor. I use it especially during "cold/flu" season for extra immune support. In addition to using if I feel sick or under the weather anytime during the year, makes me feel better knowing it is helping my immune system.



Can you top this.... full knee replacement of both knees AND rotator cuff surgery all in 6 months time. Broken back and falling down stairs. Looking forward to all the joints to heal naturally!
